The “Weed-A-Rita” has been a few months in the making. From the second month working at the dispensary I have been slowly compiling a list of ingredients that would maximize the THC content in a cocktail, perfect for a party.
Using edible cannabis infused beverages in addition to lozenges, powders and ingestible oils. I created the Weed A Rita!! A 500 mg cocktail of mostly sativa based ingredients, as a result you’ll notice a heightened sense of euphoria . To sum up, it’ll put you in another dimension. So invite your friends and buckle up. Consequently you’ll want some activities. So break out the board games or charades, and let the fun begin. Most importantly get ready to laugh until you cry. This loaded beverage is certainly going to liven up the party, because nothing lights you up like weed in a cup.
- – 6 Versus Key Lime Seltzer’s – 60 mg
- – 4 Sweet Justice Pacific Island Punch – 40 mg
- – 2 Favour Shots Berry Mixer – 20 mg
- – 2 Bottles of Five founders THC Oil – 60mg
- – 1 Package of Electric Lemon Edison Jolts – 100 mg
- – 1 Package of Indiva Life Lozenges – 250 mg
Total THC – 500 mg
At Thoughts Off The Stem we are devoted to getting you to where you want to be in the best way possible. What does that mean? That means I like to find new combinations and ways to mix cannabis products to give you the best high possible. If you’re intrigued by the Weed A Rita and want to see how it’s made?
Check Out the Making of Video Below…
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